Our services

Our lawyers provide legal advice appointments for individuals and present legal education sessions for groups.

Legal appointments

We provide advice by appointment - either face-to-face at our Henderson office or by phone. We also offer limited drop-in sessions at our community outreach clinics.

We sometimes provide free ongoing assistance to people on a case-by-case basis, depending on their needs and our capacity.

We have interpreting services available as necessary, and welcome you to bring support people. Our offices are wheelchair accessible and child-friendly.

Legal issues we can help with

  • Employment Law

  • Family Law including family violence, family harm parenting issues, care of children and adult relationships

  • Tenancy and Housing including Kāinga Ora

  • Criminal Law including application for limited licences

  • Consumer Rights

  • Debt Disputes

  • Benefits/Work and Income

  • Human Rights and Privacy Law

  • Immigration Law

  • Health related Law including ACC, Health and Disability and Mental Health

  • Issues with young people including family matters, problems at school and youth justice

  • Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney (we can provide advice on these documents but we do not draft or execute them)

  • Estate law including drafting Probate applications or Letter of Administration

Legal Issues we don’t help with:

  • We don’t advise landlords about tenancy issues.

  • We don’t advise employers about employment issues.

  • We don’t advise businesses.

  • We don’t advise people in dispute with community groups.

  • We don’t prepare or witness wills, enduring powers of attorney, or relationship property agreements.

  • We don’t advise about land or property transactions.

Community Legal Education

As well as assisting individuals, our lawyers present free legal information and education sessions to groups to help members of our community understand their legal rights and responsibilities.

We offer a growing range of seminars that cover common legal issues. Our education seminars are directed not only to our clients but also community advocates, volunteers and not-for-profit organisations.